The General Epistles 一般書簡

Key Word-Suffering


  • Writers: 執筆者

These 8 letters 1&2 Peter, James, Hebrews, 1,2, and 3 John and Jude were written by various individuals directed to Christians all throughout the world as opposed to Paul’s letters which were written to specific churches and individuals. 特定の教会や個人に宛てて書かれたパウロの手紙とは対照的に、ペテロ1、2章、ヤコブ、ヘブル人への手紙、ヨハネ1、2、3章、ユダの8通は、世界中のクリスチャンに向けてさまざまな人によって書かれた。

  • Subjects: 主題

Many of the same topics as Paul but also including topics such as suffering, false prophets, perseverance and all sorts of other topics as well. パウロと同じテーマが多いが、苦しみ、偽預言者、忍耐、その他あらゆるテーマも含まれている。